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Smoked Tallow 200GM

Smoked Tallow 200GM

per 200 gm

Product details

Introducing the game-changing ingredient that will take your cooking to the next level - smoked tallow! Our premium-grade tallow is meticulously smoked and rendered to create a bold, smoky flavor that will elevate any dish. Use it as a cooking fat to impart a smoky richness to your veggies or meats, or use it as a spread to transform your morning toast into a savory breakfast treat. Its high smoke point makes it perfect for frying and roasting, while its nutrient-dense profile means you'll be nourishing your body with every bite. Plus, our smoked tallow is made from the highest quality grass-fed beef for a pure and flavorful experience. Say goodbye to bland cooking and hello to a world of dynamic flavor with our smoked tallow - the ultimate secret ingredient for any discerning chef.

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